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Welcome to Holy Name Rainbows

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Rainbows is the youngest branch of the Guiding movement. We meet in the church hall every Tuesday during term time, between 5pm and 6pm and enjoy a wide variety of games, crafts, trips, badge work and other activities.
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The girls make a simple promise after attending for a few weeks.

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The Rainbow Jigsaw

In August 2004 Girl Guiding UK launched a renewed programme, known as the Rainbow Jigsaw. The Rainbow Jigsaw has four programme areas:

Rainbos Look, Rainbows Learn, Rainbows Laugh and Rainbows Love.
Every activity a Rainbow does is based on one or more of these areas


Although there is now a range of clothing available for Rainbows to wear, all we ask is that each girl wears the Rainbow T-Shirt, which can be purchased from:-

Skyrac Depot, ‘The Trefoil Centre’, 16a Morris Lane, Kirkstall

which is open 9.30am to 1.30pm on Saturday mornings or online from trading services – https://www.girlguiding.co.uk.

We also ask the girls to try and wear red trousers or a red skirt when attending Church Parade. The girls are welcome to wear any of the other Rainbow uniform available if they wish.

Church Parade

Rainbows are expected to attend Church Parade which is usually held on the first Sunday of the month in term time. This amounts to at most seven times each year. We meet, in uniform, in the Church Hall at 8.50am.


These are paid termly and are currently £16 per term. This money goes towards an annual subscription to the Guide association (approx. £18 per girl/leader), use of the hall and buys all our equipment, badges, refreshments etc.

Holy Name Rainbows is open to any girls in the parish aged 5-7 years. There is a long waiting list for Rainbows (usually at least 2 years) and it is important to put your child’s name down as soon as possible to secure a place – our current record is 3 days old!

To enquire about whether a place will be available please contact

Mrs Helen Oliver
11 West Parade
West Park
LS16 5AZ

If you have any questions please ring me on 0113 278 1992 (evenings & weekends) or text on 07960 443258.