Holy Name Guides
Guides has closed due to lack of leaders

For guides in the local area please get in touch with WharfeRidge@girlguidingleeds.org.uk to find out your nearest Guide unit.
Being a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide or member of the Senior Section opens up a world of opportunities that will last a lifetime.
It provides a safe, girl-only space to explore the activities, issues and possibilities that are available to girls today.
Being a Guide is all about learning new skills, making your own decisions and having fun enabling girls and young women to develop their potential and to make a difference to the world.
What the Guides think …
‘I know how to put up a tent, I’ve learned to work together with others, to be respectful, and about all kinds of issues, like Fair Trade. Guides is fun for everyone and you make friends really easily.’ (J. Aged 12)
‘Making my Promise as a Guide was the best – I felt like I was joining a huge new family. It’s really nice to have one place to go where you don’t have to deal with boys!’ (R. Aged 13)

The range of activities is here at Holy Name Guides is enormous and there’s something for everyone, from outdoor challenges to learning new skills, international travel to getting involved in community action projects.
And whether climbing and canoeing or having your say on how we operate, one thing is certain. You’ll make a lot of friends and have a lot of fun.